Monday, November 2, 2009


Layla is coming this weekend
whether she wants to or not!
My appointment this morning confirmed my fear of Layla's estimated weight! She is so big! When the tech scanned over her face, it looked double the size it was 3.5 weeks ago. Actually, it looked more like she mashed her face against a window! Her nose was all wrinkled up & her hand is still on her face, (the same place it's been for the last 4 months.) I guarantee she will come out Head/hand-to-face then shoulders! Anywhoo, She was still being very active, kicking those little thunder thighs all over the place. I think she's just trying to tell me she still has room and she wont be out until she doesn't! Sorry sweetheart, your mama has other plans!
I told the tech my fear of finding out her weight & at the end she asked me if I wanted to know. Obviously I needed to know. The look on her face was priceless when she looked at the screen for the result, and then she literally GASPED! 9 pounds 8 oz! I almost broke out into tears! This baby needs to come out NOW!
After that, I had a Non stress test and everything looked perfect! Then I saw the Doctor. Her first words were " You're still smiling, that's a good thing! " then she said the most beautiful combination of words, " Well, we can induce if you would like, but we don't have to." HAHA!
" ABSOLUTELY, take her out! Can we do it this Friday?"
She walked out and came back and I'm scheduled to be induced Friday, November 6Th at 6PM!
We will have a baby this weekend! :) :)
We can't wait to meet you, Layla!!
love mommy+daddy

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